We BELIEVE in second chances
The Puerto Rico Youth ChalleNGe Academy is an educational alternative that is sponsored by the National Guard located in Fort Allen, Juana Diaz. The Program’s mission is to intervene in the life of at- risk youth who are high school dropouts and produce graduates with the values, skills, education and self-discipline necessary to succeed as adults and become productive law abiding citizens.
ChalleNGe, is co-educational and consists of four phases: the Recruiting phase, the two week adjustment phase known as Acclimation Phase, the third phase consists of 20 weeks for Cadets to make basic lifestyle changes and focus on eight core components known as Residential Phase and the forth phase consists of 12 months where the Cadet and mentor link up to follow through with the cadets life plans known as the Post-Residential Phase.

Be between 16-18 years old
Ninth grade approved
Voluntary Admission and be a high School Dropout or possible youth at risk
Not currently on parole or probation
A citizen or legal resident of the United States and resident of Puerto Rico
Willing to be free from use of illegal drugs or substances
Physically and mentally capable to participate in the Program